BIM for Facility Management. DigitalTwin System Integration Prototype.


Year: 2022-2023  |  Promoters: Infrastructures (Government of Catalonia)



The project goal is to prepare digital content from construction (As built) to be ready to integrate to Facility Management platforms and Building Management Systems for Smart Buildings, so BIM6D is proposing to set the basis for a complete DigitalTwin to be used for building operations, thanks to include the use of POWERBIM platform in our proposal.

The Headquarters Administrative complex is the first building in Catalonia to have the LEED PLATINUM and WELL certifications, which exhaustively measure the well-being of users, so we are proud to participate in a project totally aligned with our phylosphy in BIM6D: To help to achieve better buildings, more sustainable, smart and energy efficient thanks to use of technology.

The project mission has been to provide technical assistance to prepare as built models to be prepared to adapt to operational stage from client requirements. Government of Catalonia, as public administration, it already has a BIM protocol where it is specified that the models must be prepared to be used in the maintenance and operations phase of the assets.

Our team, going a step beyond the mission to adapt the BIM models for Facility Management, wanted to demonstrate how DIGITALTWIN technology and METAVERSE based solutions are the ones that will really provide the channel to use BIM models to manage assets in real time and to talk about return of investment and benefits by using digitalization.

Below we show 2 videos showing the step forward. POWERBIM and META4BIM prototypes for asset management.

The work has consisted of preparing and adapting BIM models of the building from as built stage to be ready for operations and maintenance stage. In where the structuration and reorganization for all models, systems, components using automated workflows (dynamo, python and others) together with the parameterization of all models to obtain a high quality data BIM model have been the keys.

Description of main tasks are listed below:

  • Structuration of the existing BIM models prepared by the contractor companies and its adaptation to the updated BEP of the project, so that the models are ready for use in the operations and maintenance phase.
  • Preparing BIM models to be integrated to CMMS tools (Mantest), Tririga (IBM) and BMS Desigo (Siemens)
  • Geometric and parametric BIM remodeling workflow to adapt the database of the models, spaces, inventory components and constructive systems and mep systems. As well as the submittal of a complete set of plans.
  • Pilot project of the POWERBIM tool integrated to the CDE system (Autodesk Construction Cloud) and the creation of data analytics reports from BIM models for multiple purposes (model audit, space data, BIM classification systems, and general data on quantities and characteristics of the components of the models). Real-time data monitorized from installed IoT devices (temperature, humidity, occupancy, air quality)
  • Interactive application META4BIM of various selected spaces of the building developed with Unreal Engine to obtain an experience that the user can walk through and interact with data coming from BIM models and integrated systems.

POWERBIM is a DigitalTwin platform based in BIM and Data coming from external sources like BMS / EMS / CMMS / IoT devices and others, structured and assigned to BIM components and systems, including a data analytics layer that automates and simulate results of multiple sources of data to monitor, analyze and help to manage the main systems of a building for multiple purposes. In the prototype provided to the client, the goal was to integrate interior conditions data (temperature / humidity / occupancy / air quality) for data driven decisions in real time, together with space management and other data provided by high quality BIM models ready for Faclity Maintenance stage.

META4BIM project is intended to offer a multidevice / multiuser inmersive experience in virtual spaces and data integrated in where users will have their custom avatar representing theirselves, collaborative actions by users securely registered in the blockchain, and a mix of last technologies will be included (BIM, IoT, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence). In the process of development of this challenging platform we have had the opportunity to prepare a prototype demo for this project. Possibilities extracted from the results are promising. For the client multiple ideas have appearing about the advantages of using digitaltwins in the metaverse in where final users will be the protagonists.

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