BIM6D wins BIM tender for TERSA circular economy public entity in Barcelona
BIM6D Consulting & Performance and Geoinformaticos companies from Barcelona
BIM6D Consulting & Performance has been awarded on the public tender consisting of the SERVICE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF BIM GRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION TO TERSA GROUP. Record CTTE 687, this new project achieves a double strategic objective for the company, firstly to consolidate maturity and leadership based on experience in digitization services for the AECO sector, and secondly to be able to collaborate with an entity directly dedicated to offer environmental services and a key piece in the development of the circular economy, fully aligned with the sixth BIM dimension on which our company focuses its efforts, working on digitization to improve energy efficiency, sustainability indicators and operating processes of assets.
TERSA is a public entity that operates in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, specializing in the recovery and management of waste, the generation and sale of renewable energy and the promotion of sustainability based on promoting the commitment of citizens to their environment.

Photovoltaic pergola in the Plaza Fórum, Barcelona, operated by Tersa
Among the activities that we will develop in the contracted works, we will carry out the digitalization of the SEMESA and GARRAF plants (performing point cloud scanning, including drone flights), BIM modeling and updating of the graphic documentation that TERSA already has, and the improvement in the quality of the database available according to recognized BIM standards. BIM consulting services, such as the training and implementation of a Common Data Environment, the development of BIM protocols, or the integration of BIM to CMMS and Business Intelligence, thanks to the implementation of our digital ecosystem POWERBIM platform.